Janin Culhaoglu

iOS Developer

About Me

French iOS developer based in Paris with experience in designing and coding native iOS apps. I have two apps published on the App Store.


Trained by the Apple Developer Academy, Kodeco (ex Ray Wenderlich) and Openclassrooms, I gained experience developing apps through team work and through personal projects. I have a strong understanding of the app development process.



I create app prototypes with Sketch or Marvel app. I enjoy to build intuitive apps with elegant and clean interfaces following an iterative design process.


I develop iOS native apps for two years always respecting Apple’s Human Interface Guidelines. I have a bachelor degree in iOS Engineering (EQF6).

Video Editing

I have 6 years of work experience as a video editor for TV channels.

I have a Foundation Degree of Video editor / Graphic Designer (EQF 5).


Medium – April 9 2020

Syncing data on iOS devices with Core Data and CloudKit (21K views)

Portfolio / App Store


Vision / AVFoundation / CoreData

CookMe is an app that I developed from scratch for iPhone and iPad. It lets you find up to 100 recipes every day by ingredient. You can add ingredients by typing the name or by using camera detection for fruits.


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  • Prototyping with Sketch
  • Designing (logo, assets, App Store previews)
  • Creation of machine learning model with CreateML
  • Usage of Vision and AVFoundation to recognize fruits
  • Usage of EDAMAM API with URLSession
  • Add a limitation of 10 searches / day
  • Persist saved favorites recipes with Core Data
  • Data synchronization between iPhone – iPad with CloudKit
  • Creation of Unit tests
  • Versioning with Git / Github
  • Publishing on Testflight and on App Store

App Store version: 1.3

Segmented control to filter free events
Context menu configuration with a long press gesture recognizer

App Store version: 1.3


Unda helps people find online live events from all over the world in one place.

We developed the app from scratch with a team of five people. We are two for the coding part.


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  • Creation of the database structure
  • Usage of our own API with URLSession
  • Usage of CollectionView inside TableView
  • Design a large part of the UI programmatically
  • Events search functionnality
  • Localization of the app for several languages
  • Data persistence with saving files to disk
  • Versioning with Git / Collaboration on Gitlab
  • Pair programming
  • Publishing on Testflight and on App Store
  • Remote meetings with international team

Projects With Apple’s Frameworks


MapKit / CoreLocation / CoreData

WhereToGo is the final project I presented during my studies at Openclassrooms.


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In this project, I have created :

  • an animation to expand/collapse a view with UIView PropertyAnimator and gestures (tap and pan)
  • an online database with Firebase
  • different places to display on a map by categories.
  • the possibility to obtain the itinary to a place from user’s location
  • data persistence of favorites places with CoreData


ARKit / SceneKit

Trophiex is an app developed in team at the Apple Academy. I did the Augmented Reality part and worked on the first screen.


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Once the user launches the Augmented Reality, he has to search fo a plane surface and tap to add and place the award in the real world. Users can move and rotate the trophy, take a picture and share it. 


What I did :

  • Convert a 3D trophy model in SceneKit file format
  • Customize the colors and illuminations with material properties inside Xcode
  • Create 3 trophies according to the score of the user (bronze, silver, and gold)
  • Add horizontal plane detection
  • Add gestures recognizers (tap, pan, rotation, swipe)
  • Add the possibility to take a picture of the trophy 
  • Add the possibility to save/share it by swiping up the picture

UI Animations


Neumorphic Design with UIKit

WhoPaid is my capstone project of RayWenderlich bootcamp.



I created this animation during the RayWenderlich bootcamp. The background is created with Sketch.

Contact Me

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